Gedurfde Ontdekkingsbox juni 2023

Bold Discovery Box June 2023

These were the 6 different beers from the Bold Discovery Box of June 2023:

1. maknifique (5.7% ABV, N/A IBU)

The maknifique Start with a full flavor and firm body complemented by a strong hop flavor and therefore bitterness that dominates but is not in excess. Strong hints of elderflower, green apple, roasted grains and puffed chestnut. As time goes on, the bitterness drops off pleasantly. maknifique Is finely pearling with a perfectly balanced full-throated taste.

Maknifique bier

2. lelijken das (6.2% ABV, 25 IBU)

lelijken das Reminiscent of the unfiltered '70s beers, with hops from the new world. The flavor profile consists of fruity and spicy esters with a touch of citrus in the nose. Blending nicely with the delicate hop combination, the sturdy biscuit malt makes the beer more elegant and complex with age.

Lelijken das bier

3. Bux Beer Blonde (6.5% ABV, 28 IBU)

Bux bear blond is brewed with Columbus hops that have a spicy aroma and the spiciness of black pepper, and Brwers Gold hops that have a fruity but also spicy aroma. The result is a mature beer with a lovely soft bitter aftertaste that lingers for some time and makes you long for the next sip.

Bux Bier blond Bier

4. Schouwveger (9% ABV, N/A IBU)

Schouwveger Is a dark beer with a beautiful, greasy, light brown head. Aromas of coffee, mocha and slightly spicy (pepper, tad cinnamon, nutmeg and licorice). The taste is naughty with a nice balance between sweet, sour, coffee and caramel. A real character beer with pronounced flavors.

Schouwveger bier

5. maitre quad (9.5% ABV, N/A IBU)

Quadruple with licorice, banana and dried fruit scents. Sweet and resounding with chocolate and malt-bitter accents

Maitre Quad bier

6. Dark Knight (10% ABV, N/A/ IBU)

Dark Knight Is the second beer in the core range (fixed range) of BramBrass, after the Rik & Raf triple. This time it is a copper-brown quadruple. Despite its complexity, the beer is also smooth drinkable. This combination makes it dangerous to run into the man with the hammer, because the beer has an ABV of 10%. The beer tastes malty with sweet notes of dates, figs and caramel and a long, soft finish.

Dark Knight bier

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